Transcending thoughts by mindfulness

An average human mind gets more than 60,000 thoughts in a span of 24 hours. Any thought can come and hit us from any direction. But what we do have control over is whether we want to pursue that thought.

Mindful people transcend their thoughts by simply watching them. Most thoughts are random and fickle; they are not worth pursuing. If you don’t hold on to them, they disappear.  Whenever you are bothered by any lingering thought, simply ask yourself the following questions and watch it become feeble in no time:

“What am I thinking right now?”

“Why am I thinking like this?”

As you ponder on these, you begin to understand the emptiness of a thought. Basically you become ‘aware’ and ‘mindful’, and the moment that happens, thoughts disappear exactly like bubbles in water.

And a mind without thoughts is happy and at peace.

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