Mindfulness and happiness – Recap

Welcome back! Today, let us do a quick recap of what we have learnt over the past few weeks:

  1. The world need more of happiness. Our aim is to create a happier world together.
  2. No matter what the external circumstances are (money, good home, great career, good family), unless the internal environment is good, we cannot be happy.
  3. Being mindful, that is being present in the moment, is key to happiness. The enemies of mindfulness are the random thoughts (from the past, present and future) that lead us astray. These thoughts manifest as desires, and in trying to pursue them, we are in a lifelong race, and always unsatisfied.
  4. We can control our mind (and thoughts, and hence desires) by being aware and observant. This requires consistent effort. No pains, no gains!
  5. A clutter free mind has clarity and focus, is at peace, and hence happy.

More on ways to achieve this clutter free mind in the coming days😊

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